Testing Information


Is a two-hour test of verbal and mathematics ability given only once a year in October to students in grades 9, 10 and 11; the cost is covered by the Stratford district. From the PSAT the student gains significant information from the scores, which can be utilized in developing post high school plans. Moreover, scholarship awards by foundations and other groups are made on the basis of the scores achieved on this test.

Please contact Hailey Kobza, PSAT Testing Coordinator with any questions: kobzah@stratk12.org


The digital SAT is composed of two sections: Reading and Writing and Math. Students have 64 minutes to complete the Reading and Writing section and 70 minutes to complete the Math section for a total of 2 hours and 14 minutes.

The SAT is required by many two-year and four-year colleges, and technical schools. The Stratford District provides one School Day SAT for all grade 11 students in the spring. It is then encouraged that students usually take this test again at the end of grade 11, and/or at the beginning of grade 12. Students should check online at www.collegeboard.org for test dates and locations. Please note that fee waivers are available for students who are eligible for free/reduced lunch; if students qualify or have questions regarding fee waivers, they should see their school counselor for details. Students can register: http://sat.collegeboard.org/register.

Please contact Betsy Toth, SAT Testing Coordinator with any questions: tothb@stratk12.org


Many colleges located in the South and the West require students to take this three-hour set of four tests in English, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Natural Science. The ACT is not a part of Stratford Public Schools curriculum. Students wishing to take the ACT should sign up independently. Students should visit www.actstudent.org for test dates, locations, and to register for the exam. Please note that fee waivers are available for students who are eligible for free/reduced lunch; if students qualify or have questions regarding fee waivers, they should see their school counselor for details.

The Next Generation Science Standards Test (NGSS)

Assessments aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) will be administered to all students in Connecticut at Grade 11 during the spring. The NGSS assessments are administered using an online Test Delivery System maintained by the American Institutes for Research (AIR). This is the same online system that students use to complete the Smarter Balanced assessments in mathematics and language arts with similar technology specifications. The NGSS interim assessments include two item clusters aligned to different performance expectations across a variety of content areas (e.g., Ecosystems, Earth Systems, Force and Motion). 

The Advanced Placement Tests (AP)

Are administered to students who are enrolled in AP classes. Students may be granted college credit on the basis of scores received on these tests. These tests are given in May. Students are expected to participate. For the most updated information please reference the AP letter sent home and linked below. For more information check on the website www.apstudent.collegeboard.org. The SHS AP registration link is: https://user.totalregistration.net/AP/70755 . Standard registration closes in early November. Please contact Dawn DiDonato or Lisa Seperack, AP Site Coordinators with any questions: didonatod@stratk12.org or seperackl@stratk12.org .  

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)

Is a two and one-half hour test designed for all military services to measure the potential of the high school student in electronic, general mechanical, motor mechanical, clerical, administrative, and general technical areas. Testing is voluntary, and the student is under no obligation to join any branch of the service.The ASVAB career exploration test is administered each December at Stratford High School. It is open to all 11th and 12th grade students.

Students who take the ASVAB at Stratford High School, will be invited to a follow-up ASVAB Interpretation session in February. At this session, students will gain a better understanding of their scores and what they indicate, as well as how to improve their scores. Although the test is administered by the military, Stratford High School does not use the results for any military or recruiting purposes. It is offered exclusively as a career exploration tool. Please see your school counselor if you have any questions.

Please contact Nathan Tyler, ASVAB testing coordinator with any questions at tylern@stratk12.org.


Test Prep 

Use the following resources below to help prepare for your upcoming standardized test.