Board of Education
Family Resources
(Grades 6-12) Naviance
Naviance connects students' interests to their potential career paths, ensures active participation in their own academic success and opens their eyes to the wide world of career opportunities. The career planning tools in Naviance allow students to understand how their strengths, goals, skills, and interests can lead to exciting careers.
(Grades 9-12) Career Development Course
This course motivates students to take control of their future by planning for their careers today. Students engage in virtual job shadowing and career advice videos which takes career exploration to a whole new level by connecting academics to the real world. Students will develop an electronic portfolio which will be a collection of work that tells the story of their efforts, progress, and achievements along with a resume, cover letter, thank you letter, reference letters, certificates of achievement, evidence of community activities etc. Guest speakers will also be used to enhance classroom activities. This course ensures that students’ academic pursuits align with their career goals.
The following may be offered depending on availability.
(Grades 9-12) Mentoring Programs offered to high school students include:
In-School Mentoring Program—establishes a relationship with a caring adult who listens attentively to a student who would benefit from positive support and encouragement from an adult role model.
ACE Mentoring Program--an after school program for students interested in careers in Architecture, Construction or Engineering. Students work with industry professionals on authentic projects designed to expose them to related careers and educational opportunities.
(Grade 10) Career Shadowing
Students identify their career preferences and are matched with local business that agree to host the student for the day. The early formation of career plans can motivate students to continue in school and gain the education necessary to achieve their goals.
(Grades 11/12) Internship (.5 credits—60 hours)
Opportunities are offered to juniors and seniors who want to gain experience and learn more about a particular career field. Depending on the student’s career pathway, the student is placed at an internship site, which will complement their interests and skills. Whether the student is selecting a college major or looking for a career, participating in an internship can be a very valuable experience.