English National Honor Society
Advisors: Mrs. Teague and Mrs. Bourjaili, K236
Meeting Dates/Times: Meetings are held monthly
Our mission is to encourage a school-wide appreciation of English Language Arts, raise the general level of writing, and acknowledge exemplary English language arts students at SHS. Our members must be passionate about English Language Arts and be excellent writers. They will be expected to demonstrate their love for the subject while using their writing capabilities to benefit the SHS community. In order to become a member, students:
must be currently enrolled in an Honors, ECE, or AP English course
need to have taken at least one other Honors, ECE, or AP English course at some point at SHS
must have a current GPA of at least a 3.0
must have a B+ average in all English classes taken
must have completed a certain number of community service hours
when invited to, must complete an application