Athletic Training Services
SHS Athletic Training Services
(Athletic Trainer – ATC)
The Athletic Trainer is generally in at 2pm daily on the weekdays – Coaches and the Athletic Director will know where the ATC is if not in at that time or it will be posted on the board outside the office.
On the weekend you may contact the ATC in case of emergency having a coach contact the ATC and ATC will return the call ASAP
The Athletic Trainer will be present at the school 40 hours weekly according to contracted hours. In instances where events are held off campus ATC will be present at events of highest risk (i.e. Fall - Football, Spring - Lacrosse)
Please contact the ATC whenever ANY injury is sustained by your student athlete
General Guidelines
If your student Athlete comes home hurt or with an injury please Ice the injury for no longer than 20 minutes – DO NOT heat an injury until 72 hours post injury is sustained
Refer your athlete to the Athletic Trainer the next school day– you may also have a coach contact the ATC
If your student Athlete suffers from any allergies or asthma, PLEASE make sure they HAVE their medication ON THEM or in the medical kits AT ALL TIMES in case of emergency
If at any time your student athlete complains of any abnormal symptoms associated with a concussion (Below are signs and symptoms) and states getting hit in the head --- IMMEDIATELY call your doctor. If symptoms increase and worsen – Immediately bring to ER. Do Not give athlete any medication
Loss of consciousness
Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
Unequal pupil size
Sleep disturbances, including insomnia or difficulty waking
Poor concentration
Trouble with memory
Getting lost or becoming easily confused
Loss of sense of taste or smell
Increased sensitivity to sounds, lights and distractions
Unusual eye movements
Slurred speech
Difficulty with gait or in coordinating use of limbs