Drama Society

Advisor/Contact Info:
Mr. Donovan King, Attendance Office
Meeting Date/Time:
After school during production season (fall play from Sept.-Dec. and spring musical from Jan-April). Membership is based on audition and the criteria listed above. Meeting time is generally from 2:30-5:30 p.m.
The SHS Drama Society is the after school organization that produces the fall play, talent shows and spring musical. It includes both onstage actors and backstage stage crew. Membership is based on audition, number of students needed, skills set of the auditioner, and availability after school. Students participate in fundraisers including selling program ads and ticket to productions, travel to various theatres for exemplars/enrichment, and have participated in various theatrical competitions. Students interested in honing their theatrical skills before auditioning for Drama Society are encouraged to register for the Theatre Arts and Vocal Production class at SHS.