Principal's Message

Dr. Graf, Principal

Greetings, Families,

Spring is around the corner and we are gearing up for a busy season ahead - the Junior Class is looking forward to the Ring Dance, which will be held on Friday, March 6th at Vazzano’s Four Seasons. We have several exciting events coming up, including our Unified Basketball Tournament on March 7th, a Student vs. Faculty Basketball Game on March 13th, and the Indoor Drumline and Color Guard Competition on March 22nd. Our STAGE performers are busy preparing for the spring musical High School Musical, which will be performed on May 8th, 9th, and 10th.

As we enter into the month of March, and thus high stakes testing season, our focus is on the implementation of the various initiatives and instructional strategies as outlined in our School Improvement Plan. Multiple student data points indicate that we are on the trajectory of meeting several of our academic goals. Our Winter NWEA Assessment scores were promising, as we saw growth across all subject areas and grade levels. Grade 11 teachers are preparing students for the SAT, which will take place in school on March 26th - this will be a half day for all students, with dismissal at 11:15am. 

Please be sure to visit our website regularly and follow us on Instagram (@bunnellbulldogs) or Twitter (@drkgraf; @bunnellbulldogs) to keep up-to-date with Bunnell’s latest news and events. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. 

With Bulldog Pride, 
Katie Graf

At Bunnell, we are always looking for ways to improve our students' learning experiences. If you have any suggestions or feedback you would like to share with the Administrative team, please enter them in the space below. Your opinion matters to us! 

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