Parent Checklist 


  • Be aware of school calendar. Pay particular attention to the dates when midterm progress reports are sent home

  • Become familiar with 20/10 day attendance policy

  • Attend Bunnell Open House in September and Parent Teacher Conference in November

  • Attend Freshmen Parent Orientation in August

  • Be aware of magnet and regional programs offered

  • Become familiar with graduation requirements

  • Become familiar with CAPT graduation requirements

  • Encourage student to carry a strong academic program and to maintain a strong academic performance

  • Encourage student to seek assistance or support from teachers and counselors, when needed

  • Encourage student to become involved in extra- curricular activities, sports, clubs, music, student government organizations, etc.

  • Encourage student to become involved in community service

  • Review program of studies and discuss selection of tenth grade courses with your child

  • If student is taking Honors Biology, consider having him/her take Biology SAT Subject test

Grade 10

  • Review student's class schedule

  • Attend Bunnell Open House in September and Parent Teacher Conferences in November

  • Continue to encourage student to carry a strong academic program and to maintain strong academic performance

  • Take PSAT in October

  • In December review PSAT scores with student and help student use test booklet for a study guide

  • Emphasize importance of achieving required performance standard on the CAPT

  • Continue to encourage involvement in extra-curricular activities and community service

  • Encourage student to participate in job shadowing experience

  • Review selection of eleventh grade courses with your son/daughter

  • Take CAPT in March

  • If student is taking Chemistry or Physics Honors, consider having them take SAT Subject Test

  • Communicate with your son/daughter¡¯s counselor as necessary

Grade 11

  • Review student's class schedule

  • Attend Bunnell's Open House in September and Parent Teacher Conference in November

  • Attend Financial Aid Workshop (November)

  • Encourage students to register for standardized College Board tests: PSAT in October; SAT Reasoning Test/SAT Subject Tests in spring

  • Discuss the twelfth grade course selection, keeping in mind graduation and college admission requirements

  • Make appointment for individual junior college/career planning session with guidance counselor

  • Attend junior college planning night

  • Encourage student to take challenging courses

  • Encourage your son/daughter to work closely with his/her counselor concerning college planning

  • Encourage student to do college/career research using School Counseling Office/Career Center computer software and reference materials

  • Plan to attend college fairs, schedule college visitations, and have interviews where recommended

  • Encourage student/athlete interested in playing Division I and II level in college, to register with the NCAA Eligibility Center

  • If student is taking Honors Chemistry or Physics or AP US History, register student for SAT Subject Test or AP Exam

Grade 12

  • Review your student's class schedule, paying special attention to graduation and college admission requirements

  • Attend Bunnell High School' s Open House in September and Parent Teacher Conferences in November

  • Attend area college fairs/visit colleges

  • Encourage student to register for standardized tests: SAT/SAT Subject Tests (October, November, December)

  • Review College Planning Guide/Senior Seminar booklet for relevant, detailed information

  • Check college application procedures, deadlines, testing requirements, and scholarship deadlines

  • Encourage student to complete college applications by December 10th

  • Attend Financial Aid Workshop

  • Complete and file all necessary documents for financial aid:

CSS Profile C can be completed in October.

FAFSA C Cannot be completed until January 1st, but then must be completed as soon as possible.

If student is taking an Advanced Placement course, register student for AP Exam.