CIAC Eligibility Information

The CIAC staff has developed an informational tool for schools to use in educating student athletes and parents on maintaining eligibility for high school athletics. The "Don't Be Left Out of the Game" brochure is available online at:
CIAC Athletic Eligibility Brochure
In addition to CIAC academic eligibility standards, the Stratford Board of Education has adopted these additional academic standards for athletics participation: During the 2nd, 3rd and 4th marking periods, any student who receives more than one failing grade in any subjects in the previous marking period (i.e first marking period determines eligibility for the second marking period) shall be ineligible to practice or play during that marking period. In determining academic eligibility for fall sports or during the first marking period, a student who receives more than one failing grade in the preceding fourth marking period (the previous school year) OR a student who fails more than one course for the year (including first and second semester courses) shall be ineligible to practice or play during the first marking period.
Note: incoming ninth grade students are academically eligible for the first marking period grade.