Please take a moment to browse this week's District News, Information & Events by clicking on the link below.
1 day ago, Stratford Schools
Food Pantry: Free Fresh & Nutritious Food Distribution Every Other Monday. In Partnership with CTFoodshare, Stratford Health Dept & YMCA. --- Location: Holy Name of Jesus Church, 1950 Barnum Ave. Stratford; College St. Parking Lot; -- - Time: 9:15-10:15 am.; ---- 2025 Food Pantry Dates: March 17, March 31, April 14, April 28, May 12, June 9, June 23, July 7, July 21, Aug. 4, Aug. 18, Sept. 15, Sept. 29, Oct. 13, Oct. 27, Nov. 10, Nov. 24, Dec. 8, Dec. 22; --- For Individuals & Families --- Bring your reusable bag and Park your car on College St.
2 days ago, Stratford Schools
Stratford High Junior Ring Dance has been rescheduled to March 21st, 2025 at Vazzano’s Four Seasons from 6:30-9:30 pm
15 days ago, Stratford Schools
Teacher of the Year 2026 We invite all Stratford Public Schools staff, parents and residents of Stratford to submit nominations for the 2026 Stratford Teacher of the Year. Stratford Public Schools, in conjunction with the Stratford Board of Education, the Stratford Education Association and the Connecticut State Department of Education, is participating in the National Teacher of the Year Program. We will nominate one of our tenured, full time teachers for this distinction. This person will represent our best. Any tenured in Stratford, full-time teacher, including those in special areas, is eligible for nomination. Teachers nominated in prior years but not selected as Teacher of the Year are eligible for re-nomination. Click on the link to fill out the nomination form.
15 days ago, Stratford Schools
Wiloxson March Spirit Day - Crazy Sock Day - March 21st - Crazy Sock Day. Wear your craziest socks. There will be a $1.00 donation to dress on Spirit Day. In March, the donation will be for the Down Syndrome Association of CT
16 days ago, Stratford Schools
ONLY FOR STUDENTS UNDER AGE 19 -- Stratford Health Dept Immunizations Clinics- Families can get their school-aged children their required Immunizations. -- The deadline for middle school students to receive their required immunizations is March 15, 2025. Students who do not comply by this date will not be permitted to attend school. --- Dates: Thursday, 3/13/25, 2pm-6pm; Friday, 3/14/25, 2 pm-6pm; Monday, 3/17/25, 8am-4pm; Tuesday, 3/18/25, 8am-4pm---- Schedule appointment with the Stratford Health Dept - 203-385-4090. -- You may also schedule an appointment during school hours directly through your school-based health center. Call: Wooster 203- 385-6922; Flood 203-385-4289 Ext 3704 -----
16 days ago, Stratford Schools
Please take a moment to browse this week's District News & Events by clicking on the link below.
16 days ago, Stratford Schools
Stratford Recreation: Spring Programs All Ages: Preschool to Adult. - Multiple Sessions: Spring #1 - March 17-April 11; Spring #2 April 21 - May 17; Spring #3 May 20-June 14.-- Football, Gaga Pit, Soccer, Tennis and More. -- To Register: Visit the website for dates and times: -- 203-385-4052 --
20 days ago, Stratford Schools
Stratford Recreation - Last Chance for some winter programs. Preschool to Adults - Feb. 10-March 14 --- Theater, Tennis, Soccer, Dance, Track & Field, Intro to Pickleball, Kitchen Kids, and More! -- Check out website for dates & times: - or 203-385-4052
about 1 month ago, Stratford Schools
This week, we take a moment to recognize and celebrate the invaluable contributions of our school counselors in honor of National School Counseling Week! Our counselors play a vital role in supporting the academic, social-emotional, and postsecondary success of our students. They are mentors, problem-solvers, advocates, and compassionate listeners who help ensure that every student has the support they need to thrive. To all our school counselors—we are deeply grateful for your commitment to our students, our schools, and our community. Thank you for all that you do!
about 1 month ago, Stratford Schools
REDISTRICTING - SCENARIO ONE - Should you have questions in regards to redistricting and how your student will be impacted, please reach out to your school principal. They can assist you in gaining a better understanding of the process. To view the online Mapviewer - Click on the link: -
about 2 months ago, Stratford Schools
Stratford Public Schools Registration - New registrations continue to take place. If you or someone you know is looking for information on how to register for school, please direct them to our website for online Student Registration - -- Or, if it's just a question as to what school new students to Stratford will attend, click the link to view the Street Directory. - - Please keep in mind, the Board of Education reserves the right to assign schools in order to comply with contractual obligations and racial balancing.
about 2 months ago, Stratford Schools
2025 PARENTS SEE - Parents' Supporting Educational Excellence - The Parents SEE Program returns to Stratford for the 12th year! Become a part of a program where you will learn the skills, get the tools and gain an understanding of how to help address inequities, improve schools and community engagement, and increase student achievement! Sign up for Parents SEE Today! A free 13-session program focusing on parent leadership. For more information contact Andrea Corcoran, 203-381-6992 -
about 2 months ago, Stratford Schools
2025 MLK Day: To honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy by engaging the community in a creative, artistic celebration that promotes themes of equality, justice and service. --- Free & Open to the Public --- Storytelling, Film Screening, Art & Literary Workshops, Community Discusisons. --- Sterling Community Center - January 20 at 9:00 am - 12:00 pm - The Baldwin Center. --- Information:
about 2 months ago, Stratford Schools
Driver's Ed - Please Read Carefully Before Registering: This is a comprehensive course in driver education held online. The course consists of thirty hours of interactive classroom experience (through Zoom), of which eight hours are devoted to the mandatory Save Driving Practice, which covers the drug and alcohol awareness component. All applicants must be high school students. Stratford residents receive priority with their applications. Students must be sixteen years of age by the first session. (NO EXEMPTIONS). They must attend fifteen two-hour online sessions. A parent/guardian will be required by State Law to attend one two-hour session along with their child. Attendance is extremely STRICT, and Students are only allowed to miss ONE class. If more are missed, they will NOT receive their certificate of completion. This course does NOT include on-road instruction. ---- Dates: January 28th - March 20th ---- Location: Zoom (ONLINE) ---- Instructor: Howard Knepler/Fary Knepler Driving School ---- Course Fee is $155.00 - NON REFUNDABLE ---- Time: 3:45 pm-5:45 pm or 5:45 pm -7:45 pm --- Days: Tuesday & Thursdays --- Class Schedule January 28 & 30; February 4, 6, 11, 13*, 18, 20, 25, 27; March 4, 6, 13, 18 - March 20th (Makeup class); ---- MANDATORY PARENT CLASS: *February 13th -- (Required by State Law. Class cannot be made up) ---- ONE MAKE-UP CLASS: March 20th
about 2 months ago, Stratford Schools
Please take a moment to browse this week's District News & Events by clicking on the link below.:
about 2 months ago, Stratford Schools
PRESS RELEASE - January 2025 Dr. Diana DiIorio Assistant Superintendent, PreK - 6 Stratford Public Schools Kindergarten Registration for September 2025 will begin the month of February. If you have a child who will turn five (5) years of age on or before September 1, 2025, you will be able to access the registration process starting Friday, February 21st. Please visit the website at and click on Registration. Then, on Student Registration K-12.. There, you will be able to complete the registration process online. Should you have any questions, please direct them to our Registration Department at or 203-381-6924.
2 months ago, @SPS_CT
Family Resource Guide - English: -- Spanish:
2 months ago, Stratford Schools
Raising Highly Capable Kids. Parents, come and be encouraged! It is a free 13-week course presented by Stratford Partnership for Youth and Families. Twelve Thursdays, January 23 - April 10, 2025, from 6:15 -7:45 p.m. - Location: Stratford Parents' Place - 719 Birdseye St. - Child Care Provided! Contact Amanda Joy, 203-381-6992 , - Raising Highly Capable Kids is a proven 13-week course created to help build stronger families by giving you the confidence, tools, and skills to raise healthy, caring, and responsible children. Learn more at
2 months ago, Stratford Schools
Happy New Year and Happy Friday Stratford Families! Here's this week's edition of SPS District News & Events -
2 months ago, @SPS_CT