Summer School & Enrichment Programs

SUMMER SCHOOL 2024 - July 1, 2024 - July 31, 2024
Registration Opens June 3rd - Ends June 26th
Stratford Residents Only
Classes begin July 1st
No classes July 4th and July 5th

To Register for Driver's Education Click HERE.


Milestone C Aviation Flight School!

Laboratory where dreams take flight! Developed by veteran aviators and aerospace engineers, FAA launches students into a real-world flight school experience in the safety of the classroom. The primary objective of the FAA progression is to put high school math and science classes into applied context through the thrilling real-world framework of aviation. As students plan, brief, execute, and debrief realistic mission scenarios; pilot advanced flight simulators; explore careers in aviation; and work in teams to survive simulated emergencies, they will acquire key professional skills useful beyond the confines of aviation.

Click HERE to register

Summer Music for Band and Orchestra

The Summer Music Band and Orchestra Program is a great opportunity for students going into grades 5,6, 7, and 8 to continue to hone their skills on their music instrument. The program offers a band and orchestra ensemble and small group experiences. A concert may be planned as a culminating activity. The program meets at Stratford High School from

July 8th to July 25th Monday through Thursday from 8:30 am to 12:00 noon.

The Summer Music Band and Orchestra Program is open to Stratford residents only and is a free program.

Transportation is not provided.

Click HERE to register

Summer Music