Stratford Early Learning Services

The Early Learning Services is an early childhood educational program designed to service the developmental needs of children in the Stratford Community. Using a multi-disciplinary team the Early Learning Services provides:

  • Special and early childhood educational services and therapeutic interventions in the least restrictive environment as appropriate for each child.

  • Opportunities for families to participate in parent focus groups, training, and education.

  • Community outreach programs.

  • Reverse mainstreaming opportunities.

  • All classroom programs are provided with direct and/or indirect services for children with speech/language, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and social work service needs.

  • Itinerant speech/language therapy, occupational and physical therapies are provided to children with parental participation and a home carry over component.

  • Consultative services are provided to children in area nursery schools and readiness programs to provide support to the child and the staff working with disabled children.


Referrals to the Stratford Early Learning Services occur in the following manner:

  • With parental consent, Birth to Three agencies will forward information to the school district at least three to six months prior to the child's third birthday. Subsequent transition planning and placement team meetings are held to determine eligibility. If the student is found eligible further observation and/or evaluation may be required to effectively develop appropriate goals and objectives.

  • Parents are the primary referral agents to the Early Learning Services. This may be a result of their concerns, the concerns of their family physicians, or the concerns of nursery schools, social agencies, and/or other family members.

  • As part of Child Find, The Superintendent of Schools annually issues a statement of Early Learning Services available to the Stratford community. This statement is issued to local physicians, social agencies, nursery schools and day care centers.

Parents making referrals for their children should directly contact Colleen Leary, Secretary, Victoria Soto Preschool (203) 375-2206