Marking Period #1
Students began the year with Physical Education and Health Education Orientation and then were assigned locks/lockers in their respective locker rooms. All students then engaged in a literary assignment in alignment with CCSS.
All students are required as per the BOE policy to be prepared in their physical education attire for all class activities.
As of this writing "some" students have been assigned to Health Education and will return to Physical Education in November. All other students scheduled for PE are engaged in training and preparation for the State of Connecticut Physical Fitness Test Battery. During this marking period students will also engage in supplemental fitness activities such as but not limited to; cooperative games, fitness skills, soccer skills, wellness activities...
The Physical Fitness Test Battery includes the four assessments that target the health related components of physical fitness
1. Cardiovascular Fitness: Pacer
2. Muscular Strength: Right Angle- Push Up
3. Muscular Flexibility: Sit and Reach
4. Muscular Endurance: Curl Up
Mr. McCallum or Mrs. Piroh at