Jan 16 - Martin Luther King Day- NO SCHOOL
over 1 year ago, Franklin Elementary School
Dear Franklin Families, It is with mixed emotions that I share the news that Mrs. Aurelia, our amazing social worker, has accepted a new position within the Stratford school district. She will be working at central office as the Facilitator of out-of -district placements. This is a great opportunity for her and she will continue to do great work for the Stratford community.
over 1 year ago, Franklin Elementary School
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29 • SCHOOL EVENT Virtual PTO Meeting 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
over 1 year ago, Franklin Elementary School
over 1 year ago, Franklin Elementary School
Our first school store will be held tomorrow! Thursday, November 10th During all lunch waves All items under $2.00, except slime -$3.00 Cash only! Check out our School Store Promo and flyer below ! https://youtu.be/TnIlPqyu4rU
over 1 year ago, Franklin Elementary School
Good afternoon Franklin Families, If you were unable to attend the Internet Safety presentation by the Stratford Police Department last week, you can find it at the link below. Great information about ways to keep our kids safe with social media and the internet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=er3ZgYHCMX4
over 1 year ago, Franklin Elementary School
Happy Friday Franklin Families! I wanted to share two amazing programs that Sterling House is offering for the upcoming holidays. Thanksgiving Give Back: Curbside Food Pantry Receive a Thanksgiving Turkey with a bag of fixings! You must have a photo ID ready. DATE: Saturday, November 19, 2021 WHERE: Sterling House Community Center TIME: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM *While supplies last For more information, contact LeAnne Reynolds at lreynolds@sterlinghousecc.org Community Christmas This program is for Stratford families that are in the low to moderate-income bracket and are in need of assistance with toys and gifts this season. Register early! Program support is on a first-come, first-serve basis. You must bring the following items with you to registration: •Birth certificate for all children you are registering (18 y/o or younger) •Proof of guardianship if you are the legal guardian •Verification of income (2021 tax form) •Verification of address (utility bill) •Photo ID HOW TO REGISTER: Email LeAnne Reynolds at lreynolds@sterlinghousecc.org If you have any questions please let me know! Love, Mrs. Aurelia
over 1 year ago, Franklin Elementary School
Good morning Franklin Families, Please be advised that our phone system is a bit glitchy this morning. Our IT department is working on the issue and should have them fixed soon.
over 1 year ago, Franklin Elementary School
While we are always thankful, it's that time of year to show our extra appreciation to our Franklin Team! We (PTO) are asking each family to donate at least one item from the below Sign-Up Genius towards our Franklin School Staff Wish List. Donations can be brought to school with your falcons until the week of Thanksgiving. A donation bin will be setup outside the School Office for drop-off during Teacher Conferences. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094FACAC2EABFACE9-franklins Let's fill up their classrooms with extra tissues for this season and stock up their Staff Room with little treats. A small gesture can go a long way. Let's give them the ability to grab a sweet piece of chocolate and an afternoon coffee! We appreciate them, as they appreciate us. It all comes back full circle. Thank you, all!
over 1 year ago, Franklin Elementary School
Dress Down- Decade Day! Friday, October 28th $1- optional donation (Proceeds benefit the 6th grade class) Dress your decade best! Choose a decade to dress from- 50s,60s, or 70s etc.
over 1 year ago, Franklin Elementary School
Good Friday afternoon Franklin Families, Please find this week's Family Connection under the Families tab.. It's hard to believe November is just around the corner!
over 1 year ago, Franklin Elementary School
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25 • SCHOOL EVENT PTO Meeting 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Looking forward to seeing everyone virtually next Tuesday @7PM to share ideas and plan future school events.
over 1 year ago, Franklin Elementary School
Good morning Franklin Families, Just a gentle reminder that our arrival time is 8:30-8:45. I have noticed that a growing number of our older students have been coming quite a bit earlier than this time. Please be aware that our staff is not on duty to supervise children until 8:30 and therefore, any child that arrives without an adult with them is unsupervised. For safety purposes we ask that children arrive on school grounds no sooner than 8:30, unless they are attending a morning club.
over 1 year ago, Franklin Elementary School
Good afternoon Franklin Families, Please be advised that this Friday, 10/14 is our Lifetouch Picture Day. Teachers have signed-up for times to take their classes for pictures. No dress code necessary on Friday.
over 1 year ago, Franklin Elementary School
Good Morning Franklin Families, Students & Staff! This year, we are going to continue tracking our ST Math Progress. I want to start by saying that EVERY STUDENT here at Franklin has logged in to ST MATH this year. That is an amazing start to the school year! At the end of each month, I will be checking to see which class has the most puzzles! For the month of September, the class that is currently in the lead with the most puzzles is.... MRS. ACEVEDO's Third Graders! They have solved a total of 5,822 puzzles so far this year! Will they keep the lead?? Or will another class take the lead next month?!? Keep on solving those puzzles, Falcons! Love, Miss Castaneda
over 1 year ago, Franklin Elementary School
Franklin Families, We are so lucky to partner with Sodexo and Sterling House Community Center to organize a Food Backpack Program. Students will be given non-perishable items to be taken home each Friday or the last day of the school week. If you are interested in this program please reach out to me privately on dojo or email me at aurelias@stratk12.org. Please let me know if you are in need ASAP. Spots may be limited depending on interest. Love, Mrs. Aurelia
over 1 year ago, Franklin Elementary School
PTO meeting Tuesday, September 27 · 7:00 – 8:00pm Google Meet joining info Video call link: https://meet.google.com/ckw-copo-wiy Or dial: ‪(US) +1 470-499-0104‬ PIN: ‪245 718 539‬# More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/ckw-copo-wiy?pin=7761319987658
almost 2 years ago, Franklin Elementary School
Veterans, You are Invited ! Franklin Elementary Proudly requests your presence at the Veteran's Assembly Honoring YOU ! Date : Veteran's Day, Friday, November 11th, 2022 Assembly Time : 2PM Place: Franklin Elementary Gym *Lunch will be provided for you starting at 1PM Please R.S.V.P by November 8th by completing the form below. Thank you ! https://forms.gle/JdbvGhQEFhxudd3WA Franklin Families- please help us invite Veterans who belong to our Community to attend our special assembly
almost 2 years ago, Franklin Elementary School
almost 2 years ago, Franklin Elementary School
Would you like to volunteer for a few hours and help our school with our Scholastic Book Fair? It is a lot of fun and kids REALLY love seeing their family helping at school . Our fair will run from Monday, October 3rd until Friday, October 7th. Please click on the link below to sign up and see the hours. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040B49AFAA2BA0FB6-book 👍Thank you for your support 👍
almost 2 years ago, Franklin Elementary School