Internet Safety
The Internet has been called the most exciting new learning tool of the century, one that offers access to the world far beyond the four walls of classrooms, homes, and libraries. Students can climb Mount Everest, tour virtual museums, and connect to a satellite orbiting the moon. They can share stories, collect data, and participate in research projects and scientific expeditions around the world.
There are, however, some downsides to using the Internet. Because no one entity owns or regulates it there are no checks or limits on the content of the information offered. Accuracy, relevance, and objectivity cannot be guaranteed, and the possibility of accessing objectionable materials is always present. Unscrupulous people with dishonest or immoral motives do use the Internet. It is these characteristics of the Internet that present safety problems, particularly for children.
Discuss the tips in this site with your children, and set guidelines for using the Internet. Call the library media center of your child's school to request the videos about Internet safety. The best way to educate your children about the Internet, however, is to spend time online with them. Learn how to log on and how to send and receive e-mail. Take a virtual field trip, read a foreign newspaper, or select a spot for your next family vacation.
Have fun with the Internet.
Set limits for children's use of the Internet.
Establish guidelines for acceptable materialsand monitor sites visited.
Discuss and post rules for Internet use by thecomputer as a reminder and be sure
to include consequences for breaking the rules.Establish rules for ordering products online and carefully review credit card bills.
Warn children about possible online harassmentand misrepresentation.
Learn to evaluate a site for accuracy and validity. Many are designed solely to sell.
Complain to businesses and organizations that request personal information from children.
Consider some form of blocking or filtering software.
Know what information your Internet provider makes available to others.
DO NOT use your real name, address, telephone number, or photograph online.
DO NOT allow your child to meet face-to-face with someone met online unless you will be there.
DO NOT allow e-mail from an unknown sender to be opened; it may contain a virus.
DO NOT give out passwords or credit card numbers online.
DO NOT hand in material found online as your own work. That is plagiarism, which is illegal.
DO NOT tamper with or hack into someone else's computer. That is a serious crime.
DO NOT copy software you have not paid for or received written permission to copy.
DO NOT order anything offered "free" without parent's permission.