Dismissal Procedure
Dear Families,
The safety of our students is our number one concern at Chapel. In order to keep everyone safe during dismissal, Chapel's dismissal protocol is as follows:
It is very important to notify the office or your child's teacher as soon as possible of any changes to your dismissal plans. If you are picking up your children in the Flood Middle School car loop, they will be dismissed from Chapel at 3:10 PM. Students will walk to the Flood loop and load cars safely on the passenger side as families arrive at the curb. No cars will be allowed in the loop in front of Chapel Street School after 2:30 PM. Some of our buses and vans arrive early and need to be off of Chapel Street for their safety and the safety of other drivers.
Flood Middle School dismissal is at 2:45 PM, and no cars will be able to enter the loop during that time. By 3:00 PM, Flood buses are gone and you may enter safely. We ask for your patience at dismissal time as we seek to dismiss our students as quickly and safely as possible.
Dr. Armistead, Principal
Mr. Cicero, Assistant Principal